Monday, November 3, 2008

It's Official, AI is a Pistons

I wasn't able to come to work today due to personal matter, however when I heard the news about the Pistons under Curry's regime I was SHOCK! The Pistons turned into a different team after trading the captain Chauncey to Denver's AI. More on ESPN

I have three concern about this trade. First, the age comparison of AI to Billups. AI has been proven an all-star player and more compare to Billups, as I say, his resume speak for itself. This simply means that there's more mileage on AI's engine than Billups, but considering AI is 33 and Billups is 32, there's not much difference. Secondly, I was under the impression for some reason at first that this could create a long term contract if it doesn't work for the Pistons, but since AI is on his final year of 20million, its almost like renting him and at the same time giving him another chance to get that ring before he retires. Fortunately my two concern are covered, (thanks to Joe D again) except of AI's dynamic scoring ability, he may present a defensive liability to other bigger point guards, but I have faith in Michael Curry. They already have an intense summer camp that emphasized on bringing the Bad Boys defense back. Similar to several players in the league who has great respect to Michael Curry, AI will follow his lead.

I've always been a fan of AI. I remember the first time I saw him, I couldn't believe my eyes seeing his height (listed as 6-0 but he definitely looks shorter) and how he compete with all the bigger players and most of all, creating his own shot, going straight through the teeth of the team's defensive set. Welcome AI!

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